help learning how to identify ants.

Help with identifying the species your ants

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help learning how to identify ants.

Post: # 14352Post Guiltyspark
Thu Oct 27, 2016 7:35 am

Hello there guys.

Is there a website that attempts to show you how to identify what type of ant queen you have based on body size, gaster appearance, head shape/size/model etc. I know there's a video on AntsCanada on identifying a queen with some examples of common types. but this only takes you so far without a video on the specifics of each variety.

I realise how loaded a question that is given the absurd range in appearance of ants worldwide. But being new to ants I am having trouble finding info online on the different types of ants in my country (Australia) and being able to tell the difference from a tetramorium queen and an iridomyrmex queen for example. I do have the AntsCanada Nuptial flights listed in my area and added some more to it with what I've learned. quite a few overlap this time of year so I'm having a little trouble.

until I get a decent camera I'm not going to be able to hit the forums with ant id questions. that being said I would like to try and learn without throwing dozens of questions on the forums right off the bat (learning for yourself is fun after all). but as I said, using Google to read articles, wikis' and images isn't proving very helpful given the plethora of information on ants.

thanks for any feedback guys.

peace out from the land of monster ants.

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Re: help learning how to identify ants.

Post: # 14447Post Batspiderfish
Mon Oct 31, 2016 9:12 am

The taxonomy is there to help you!

Formicidae (the family containing all ants)
Dolichoderinae (a subfamily describing ants with one petiole node and no sting or acidepore)
Iridomyrmex (a genus of medium-large ants with two or more symmetrical convex regions on the clypeus)

Formicidae (the family containing all ants)
Myrmicinae (a subfamily describing ants with two petiole nodes and a fused pronotum/mesonotum)
Tetramorium (a genus of small-medium ants with a ridged clypeus, triangular sting, and a three-segment antennal club)

Use antweb to familiarize yourself with the diversity in your area; work your way down from subfamily to genus/species:

Antmaps can help familiarize you with the distribution of a species:

Antwiki and HOL can connect you with descriptions and keys for ants. You might be able to find better resources, specific to Australia:

Remember that appearances are usually not enough to make an ID. You need to find specific details about the ants, as listed in descriptions and species keys.
Rules & Requirements for Identification:

How to take pictures for identification:

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