Ants dont seem to forage

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Ants dont seem to forage

Post: # 1811Post Davemoseley
Sat Aug 08, 2015 5:16 pm

Hi, i have recently built my own formicarium and foraging area inside of a large fishtank.
The ants have move out there test tube set up and started digging tunnels and chambers in the sand, the queen is no where to be seen(i think thats a good sign).
My worry is the ants dont seem to use the foraging area where the water and sugarwater is.
Is this because i have added some water to the opposite side in the sand to where they are digging.
There are about 30+ lasius niger in the set up.
Any advice you could give me would be a massive help as i have not kept ants before.

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Re: Ants dont seem to forage

Post: # 1818Post MadVampy
Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:10 pm

How long has it been since the move? They will find it, it may be that they are busy setting up their nest and when ready will forage for food.

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Re: Ants dont seem to forage

Post: # 1844Post Davemoseley
Sun Aug 09, 2015 1:05 am

Thanks for relpying,
They moved out of test tube nearly 3 weeks ago, i also thought they were busy nest building, they have taken food when offered but i had to place on the sand near the nest, i have noticed one ant going to the sugar water in the out world but not for a week or so now.


Re: Ants dont seem to forage

Post: # 1853Post Rovvov99
Sun Aug 09, 2015 2:46 am

They will search for food when they need it. And don't forget it's a small colony, those aren't very active.


Re: Ants dont seem to forage

Post: # 1885Post Davemoseley
Sun Aug 09, 2015 11:08 am

I think im just worring over nothing but just thought i would ask, thanks.

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