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Ant & Other insect photography

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 2:54 pm
by Aaron567
I have decided, since I have a good camera with a macro lens and a lot of different insect and ant species living near me, that I will take photos of ants and other insects that I come across near where I live. I will keep posting new photos on this topic if enough people view them I guess.

This is a large grasshopper (around 2.5 inches in length) that has been living in a sago palm for a couple months. He was even living in this plant as a nymph, with underdeveloped wings and a smaller size. He is an adult now and I saved him from drowning in the pool once, and somehow he got one of his hopping legs pulled off a couple weeks ago.

This is a Trachymyrmex sp. (fungus grower) ant. I'm not sure on the exact species, but the closest I can come up with is T. septentrionalis.

Here is a Pheidole obscurithorax queen. She was walking around a nest of her species (She may not have been fertile) and she looked like she may have been dying because she was walking really slow and clumsy.

Here is a huge beetle of some kind, he was about an inch long and had fell in a container where I breed and raise guppy fish, so he would've drowned.

This is a dragonfly that let me get super close to take this awesome picture!

I hope this isn't too off topic since these photos are mainly insects and not specifically ants. Thanks for viewing!