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Ant Tower Large question

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 7:41 pm
by dkhman26
I recently ordered and just received my New Ant Tower Large and I am confused about the "Nest Reducer". It is mentioned in the manual and in the description of the product online that the interior cylinder is removable so that larger species with large colonies can have more room but the product I received doesn't seem to have a removable interior cylinder. There's no mention in the online manual and there are no instructions in the package on how to remove the nest reducer.

Re: Ant Tower Large question

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2023 10:00 am
by RubyAntKeeper77
I don’t know where the reducer is in your package, in my experience, you open the top lid, go straight down and there’s a little cylinder like thing that just slides off, looks gray. It doesn’t matter whether or not you have it because ants don’t really care.