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PTFE (Insect-a-Slip) tips plz...

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:45 am
I recently bought and acquired some nondiluted PTFE from and I must say for the price with it not being CAN'T beat it. Here's my deal though, before I use it, I'm curious to know what the best water to PTFE ratio is for maximum effectiveness. On one of Mikeys older videos where he reviews Bioquip and PTFE, he reccomends a 3:1 that best or what? What are your suggestions? I prefer fluon to the baby powder/alcohol mixture as i can never seem to get the mixture right. Any tips are appreciated and thank you in advance.

Re: PTFE (Insect-a-Slip) tips plz...

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:13 am
by Hunter36o
Did not know know you had to mix it. I would use like I do fluon, dab directly onto cotton and well you know what to do from there. If it's thick and that would explain why people add water, again just dab a smaller bit on the cotton and wee how much of the outworld is covered before you have to add more to the cotton.

Also does the direction of use on the bottle mention anything about having to mix it?

Re: PTFE (Insect-a-Slip) tips plz...

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:06 am
No there is nothing about having to mix it but I have read many different places that it actually works better if you add some water to it. I've also read that it's ok to use it as is too. Now, I've used the "Fluon" that byFormica sells, that comes with the 3 applicator bottles and that is already diluted and works great. But getting the 4oz bottle from BioQuip beats it by far for the price and amount!!!