Ant Farm

Show us your formicariums and ant setup, ask formicarium-related questions, or share your experiences with building an ant home. Here you will also find formicarium requirements for specific ant species.

Moderators: larynx, ooper01


Re: Ant Farm

Post: # 707Post Antscanada73
Wed Jul 29, 2015 3:00 pm

SpiderGenral wrote:Yeh It 1 big round tub and small tub in the middle with dirt. Would this be good enough for a lasius niger colony with 1-5 workers?
To be honest i don't actually know. Because it could be a 50 50 thing like 50 it is 50 it isnt. To be fair I think it would do for the time being but remember it means you will have to build a bigger one quicker. To make sure its not to crowded.

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Re: Ant Farm

Post: # 780Post Ants4fun
Thu Jul 30, 2015 5:29 am

Assuming you currently have your ants in a test tube, I would keep them in there. The visibility is impeccable. Them wait until they have over twenty workers. If you really never want to see your ants again, then that should do. Just keep it moist. However if you do want to, then save up twenty dollars, go to , get an Atom starter Formicarium for $8 spend ten bucks on shipping, build an outworld, and boom. That should last you the rest of the year.


Re: Ant Farm

Post: # 786Post SpiderGenral
Thu Jul 30, 2015 6:56 am

Here are the photos.

How do I know if my test tube is at the right moisture and humidity. Ant species: Lasius Niger


Re: Ant Farm

Post: # 788Post Antscanada73
Thu Jul 30, 2015 7:08 am

SpiderGenral wrote:Here are the photos.

How do I know if my test tube is at the right moisture and humidity. Ant species: Lasius Niger
Just do what Mikey does fill the test tube with just over half way with water cover it with a ball of cotton then put the queen in and then put cotton over the entrance to stop her from escaping. Hope that helps.


Re: Ant Farm

Post: # 802Post SpiderGenral
Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:45 am

Yes I know but what temperature do I keep the ladies niger in the test tube and how do I know if it's at the right moisture level?


Re: Ant Farm

Post: # 811Post Antscanada73
Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:40 am

SpiderGenral wrote:Yes I know but what temperature do I keep the ladies niger in the test tube and how do I know if it's at the right moisture level?
Sorry man I can't help with that I'm at a blank.


Re: Ant Farm

Post: # 1595Post MESSOR
Thu Aug 06, 2015 7:37 am

SpiderGenral wrote:Yes I know but what temperature do I keep the ladies niger in the test tube and how do I know if it's at the right moisture level?
I gather your from the UK?
Lasius Niger are fine at room temperature, and if the queen is in a test tube with water you dont need to worry about moisture.

In late August place them somewhere cool for the winter, not outside but somewhere cooler in your house.
then bring them back out around Mar-Apr

Lasius are pretty hardy species and will adapt to anything, you can choose to not hibernate them and should still be ok, But they need this time to rest, even if unhibernated they would not be very active in this time anyway so you may aswell.

If you want to know how much moisture they need in say like a sand/soil setup. just spray the nest every 4-5 days. or whenever you see it raining outside, make it rain in your setup. Just try to replicate the outside ^^

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