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Re: Anybody got the guts to keep Myrmecia (Just kiddin Please don't!!!)

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 4:43 pm
by AntLove5Ever
I would they just aren't native sooo yeah I would if i was in australia.

Re: Anybody got the guts to keep Myrmecia (Just kiddin Please don't!!!)

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:26 pm
by RainbowScience
Solenopsisace wrote:R u talking about the red velvet ant or (cow killers is what we call them here in florida),cause if so i wish i could find some :D
Interestingly I just moved from Florida a few months ago. "Cow Ants" as they get called are actually a species of wingless wasp.

Re: Anybody got the guts to keep Myrmecia (Just kiddin Please don't!!!)

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 8:45 am
by KhaoticAnts
I've got a few nests living in the bush behind my house

Re: Anybody got the guts to keep Myrmecia (Just kiddin Please don't!!!)

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 2:23 pm
by Serafine
Solenopsisace wrote:R u talking about the red velvet ant or (cow killers is what we call them here in florida),cause if so i wish i could find some :D
Cow killers (velvet ants) aren't ants, they are solitary wingless wasps (=they don't have colonies) and while their sting is far from life-threatening (it's a myth that they can kill any larger animal that isn't allergic to them) it still hurts like hell.

Re: Anybody got the guts to keep Myrmecia (Just kiddin Please don't!!!)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 3:23 am
by Antdom
I saw a nest housing both the large red "inch ant" variety and the black red/orange mandibled "Jumping Jacks" in Pyalong Victoria Australia - it was one of the scariest nest defence rushes I've ever seen with both species flooding out the nest entrance!

I'd love to give these a go in a natural fish tank set up with a large outworld, they are flying now, I might go out and forage for some soon once these tropical like rains stop, with the heat wave we've been having it should be perfect conditions for these ants in the next week or two.

These "inch ant" red bull ants are the ants that mainly got me interested a long time ago, I used to keep a couple of workers for a few days to observe and release, because of their large size most people "new" to ants, can't believe they are real when they first see them.

But I reckon the jumping jack variety would be the most challenging/scary of the myrmecian variety to keep, so quick and so aggressive with a powerful punch! They are both amazing species

Re: Anybody got the guts to keep Myrmecia (Just kiddin Please don't!!!)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 7:02 am
by Serafine

Re: Anybody got the guts to keep Myrmecia (Just kiddin Please don't!!!)

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 8:42 am
by SpeciesK
After looking at your info and video, I want those kinds of ants! Huge ants with big eyes that look at you like they are aware of things and won't tolerate being picked on. All they have to do is growl and the picture is complete. :P

Re: Anybody got the guts to keep Myrmecia (Just kiddin Please don't!!!)

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 3:22 am
by IridomyrmexJ
They are huggeeeee. I saw them at a camp once. I wouldn't recommend keeping them. If you get stung just once, you will get a huge bump (5cm diameter) and if you squeeze it, your pores will be huge! This happened to my friend.... It was disgusting to look at. At first it will hurt then after a while it will itch. Dont keep these ants!