Best Beginner Species?

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Best Beginner Species?

Post: # 41838Post Owalt10
Fri Jul 20, 2018 5:18 pm

Hi everyone,
I am new to the ant world and am looking into starting a colony. I am using the GAN Project to get started. I have a few specie options need some input on the best for a beginner. I need no stinging, and a specie that doesnt bite humans. I would like them to have the ability to kill small live insects in the future though. I would also prefer a specie that grows quickly. Giving me a couple specie suggestions and any tips for people new into the ant keeping hobby would be appreciated. Thank you to everyone in advance for helping.

Here are my options for species in my area:

Veromessor pergandei

Formica francoeuri

Pogonomyrmex californicus (desert veriety)

Pogonomyrmex californicus

Myrmecocystus testaceus

Veromessor andrei

Camponotus sansabeanus

Tapinoma sessile

Genuine Camponotus quercicola

Polygynous Camponotus vicinus

Camponotus clarithorax

Polygynous Camponotus clarithorax

Camponotus laevigatus

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Re: Best Beginner Species?

Post: # 41853Post AntsDakota
Fri Jul 20, 2018 7:17 pm

I think Veromessor bite
Formica bite and spray formic acid
Pogonomyrmex sting
Myrmecosystus can't harm humans and I think they would have trouble killing an insect.
Camponotus bite and spray formic acid
I think Tapinoma can kill insects and I know they can't bite humans. I think this may be your species.
"God made every kind of wild beasts and every kind of livestock and every kind of creeping things;" (including ants) "and God saw that it was good." Genesis 1:25


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