Please Help!!-- Queen Behavior

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Please Help!!-- Queen Behavior

Post: # 74187Post AntsNW
Mon Oct 12, 2020 3:11 pm

First of all, Thank you for reading this!
I have a Camponotus Vicinus Queen who is acting... Strange.
I ordered her online at LEAST a month ago, she was super light sensitive, and ate her eggs the MOMENT I checked on her. Now, she has two small larvae, and maybe Some eggs. I just checked on her (along with my other ants) and she was standing stockstill, holding a larvae in her mouth. The other larvae was "suspended" in the air, and I could see (as I looked closer) that this part of the test tube seemed to be crisscrossed with cottony fibers, it looked like a spider web.
Usually, when ever I check on her, she races around and stops whatever she's doing. This time, I couldn't see ANY reaction, the only reason I could tell she was alive is because her "tongue" was moving on the larvae.
In case THIS matters, she seemed to be holding it up to the cotton ball... :?
ANY info about why she is doing this and/or what is happening would be INCREDIBLY helpful!
Thank you SO much,
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Re: Please Help!!-- Queen Behavior

Post: # 74189Post AntsNW
Mon Oct 12, 2020 6:10 pm

I just checked on her again, and she seemed to be in the same position, just now her head was in the "normal position"-- She wasn't holding up the larvae any more.
what I did notice was that she had eaten one of her larvae! :cry:
This is very disappointing, because she has already restarted 4+ times, and now she only has one SMALL larvae left, which she will probably eat too...
I don't have very much hope for her as hibernation is starting soon. Is it possible for queens to survive that without workers?-- If so, Is there anything I can do to stop this from happening again?
I already leave her alone, and only check up on her once every week, when I check all my queens.
Any input would be INCREDIBLY appreciated.
Thank you,
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Update!-- Journal start!

Post: # 74290Post AntsNW
Mon Oct 19, 2020 12:29 pm

I checked on the queen yesterday, and it SEEMED as though she had either some eggs, or a larvae! :D
So... It seems a though this topic isn't a "HELP!!!" anymore, and I am thinking of turning this topic into a journal on my Camponotus Vicinus queen!
Just one question.-- How do I change the name of this topic???
Thank you!!! :D
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Update: Hibernation

Post: # 74453Post AntsNW
Sun Nov 01, 2020 11:25 am

Hibernation time is upon us!
my ants have been in hibernation for about one week. today I checked on them and my camponotus queen seems to still have one small larvae!
where I live, it gets VERY cold, and usually drops below freezing in the winter months... last night it was around 37 degrees, but the night before, it was around 27.
I don't quite know what temp gets to be BAD for the ants, but any input would be appreciated! :)
- AntsNW
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Re: Please Help!!-- Queen Behavior

Post: # 76142Post TalANTFlame
Thu Mar 25, 2021 7:43 pm

Two things, one she isn't mated. Non-mated queens tend to eat their eggs. Two, she is mated, and your really stressing her out. Queen ants almost always eat their brood when their stressed out. The "web" was just from cotton being pulled out, don't worry, its a common habit. My phediole ants have pulled out plenty of cotton. So I recommend checking on her perhaps less then every two weeks. She can definitely make it through hibernation. (As long as she's fertile and isn't too stressed.) Camponotus ant brood takes several months to develop, so the queens are used to being alone for months.

What did you order her from? The AC gan project states that the queen has to have at least one worker from her? You never mentioned a worker. So did you order her from something else. If not, you did have a worker and didn't mention it? But if it was from the gan project and there was no worker, the seller disobeyed the rules.
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