Have 6 queens to care for!!! What and When do i start feeding my growing test tube colonies?!?!

Discussions about the care and keeping of ants

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Have 6 queens to care for!!! What and When do i start feeding my growing test tube colonies?!?!

Post: # 2140Post RangerRob
Wed Aug 12, 2015 1:08 am

:o :mrgreen: So as you may know by reading my other posts, Ive come across a couple of colonies i acquired by breaking open nests.6 queens in all! I managed to catch 4 camponotus queens, and 2 other queens in different species ive caught but have not determined the species yet. One of the species is a smaller brown ant that had numerous ants in the colony, and have been laying many eggs rapidly. The second unknown species is a bigger ant than the 1st but smaller than Camponotus sp. They are brown and almost yellowish, all with good size gasters that are black and yellow stripped and almost clear looking,(kind of like those honey dew ants). They have laid even more eggs very fast. almost 20 in 2 and 1/2 days!!! the 2 mystery colonies, I managed to catch alot of workers for. So they are pretty good size colonies with about 40 members per colony. So my question is, with colonies of these sizes I imagine there past the Fully Claustral stage and the workers have been feeding there queens regularly. So can i start feeding them? And how often for there size of colony? When i put them in the test tube setup I gave each colony a drop of honey, and they instantly took to it! but that was about 5 days ago and im worried they will need more substance for such numbers. Also i can keep giving them honey but im sure they need proteins as well? Should i put some cut up insect parts in with them? I have an omni nest on the way for the larger camponotus colony or which ever colony grows the fastest. but for the mean time the rest of the colonies will have to sit tight in the test tubes until i order some hybrid nest smalls for them. So hoping someone can tell me proper feeding schedules for the ones locked up in there test tubes. And stay posted for pictures of mystery colonies. I will post them in a second comment below in a few! Thanks so much for the support so far everybody! and hope you can help me with this one too! Thanks bunches! -RangerRob


Re: Have 6 queens to care for!!! What and When do i start feeding my growing test tube colonies?!?!

Post: # 2142Post RangerRob
Wed Aug 12, 2015 1:39 am

pictures are in links below. Only way i know of posting them. This is the 1st smaller brown species with good shot of the queen! https://gyazo.com/02904f20e1e5a4b36bb63b8a59573f8e. .https://gyazo.com/c264fd4ade6582d0a4df16caea535ca5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------These are the bigger yellow and black striped species.https://gyazo.com/d3083fa5fa3a6e768d58ef70c55a5c1c .https://gyazo.com/7187b83d60ddd161cad91ca994a1b192

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