Species ID Queen not dropped wings before laying eggs!

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Species ID Queen not dropped wings before laying eggs!

Post: # 26148Post Lyds001
Sat Jul 22, 2017 2:25 am

My Queen ant has laid eggs but has not dropped her wings! I caught this Queen in England, I've had her for four days and she's laid eggs already but I was expecting her to to drop her wings first as she needs the wing muscles to feed her brood. I don't yet know the species of the queen but I'm suspecting it's a camponotus queen but I'm not sure, the queen is 1cm long and 4mm wide, the gastor is bigger than the thorax and she is black. (I haven't got a recent photo of the queen because I am currently away on holiday and will be for the next month. (My mum is still at home though so that's how I know there are eggs and the queen still has her wings)).Is there a species of ant that never drop there wings or don't drop them for a long time? Or should I be worried?


Re: Species ID Queen not dropped wings before laying eggs!

Post: # 26158Post Antsinohio
Sat Jul 22, 2017 3:26 am

Sometimes queens wont take off their wings she will either keep her wings till she dies or remove them once she gets settled in and has her larvae. My camponotus queen didin't take her wings off till she had her first pupae.

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