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Any ant keepers in Virginia?

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 3:19 pm
by explorer2103
I want to know if there is any one keeping ants in Virginia, I'm going to start keeping ants soon but there are no ants where I live that I can keep. I want to know if anyone could help me out by either telling me of stores or selling me a queen. I do know however that you guys don't condone buying ants but I just was wondering. I am looking for a camponotus queen, preferably a pennsylvanicus.

Re: Any ant keepers in Virginia?

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 3:22 pm
by explorer2103
I also can't buy ants from AntsCanada because I live in Virginia.

Re: Any ant keepers in Virginia?

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 5:35 pm
by MadVampy
If there isn't any GAN Farmers in VA then I hate to say it there isn't much AntsCanada can do except support someone who is or wants to be a GAN Farmer once they have some established colonies. We don't allow selling ants on the forums and fully support the laws in place about not taking ants across state borders.

There may be other sites that you can go to that might be able to help you. I lived in VA for 14yrs, the laws there are soooooo crazy that I finally said enough is enough and moved away from there.

Good Luck in your search and maybe you can come across some local nuptial flights and catch some queens on your own.

Re: Any ant keepers in Virginia?

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 7:07 am
by Jharrell23867
I live in Virginia... I am not part of the GAN yet... would love to become a GAN member.