My poor Camponotus Queen

Let us know of your ant colonies or queens that have passed away. We will grieve together but will also learn why your ants may not have succeeded.

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My poor Camponotus Queen

Post: # 13145Post AceCadet
Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:47 pm

My Camponotus Queen didn't even make it to founding. Poor ant... I felt so lucky for finding you as late as September. Maybe next year Ill find another. :( The first queen I ever lost and I only had her for a week. So sad...


Re: My poor Camponotus Queen

Post: # 13146Post AceCadet
Tue Oct 04, 2016 11:01 pm

So probably just a dumb hopeful question, do larger ants hibernating faster than smaller ants? None of my other queens are hibernating...and Im sure Im just hoping shes not dead but. Is there a way she could be hibernating if it got cold in my room? And if so is there any way to check if she is hibernating or dead? Im sorry Im just having a hard time losing my first queen so Im hoping. Im going to at least leave her in her tube for a while longer, check her in a few days and just hope...


Re: My poor Camponotus Queen

Post: # 13150Post Serafine
Wed Oct 05, 2016 12:39 am

As far as I know a lot of ants hibernate no matter the temperature. They have built-in clocks that tell them when to go to sleep even if the room temperature doesn't drop.


Re: My poor Camponotus Queen

Post: # 25965Post Private
Fri Jul 21, 2017 11:32 am

I caught six Camponotus Queens last month, but none of them lived longer than one and a half week at max. I put them into a standard test tube setup and keept them in the dark as I heard it, seeing as im a beginner, but they all tried to burrow out and died soon after. So my question is: Any Ideas what I did wrong?


Re: My poor Camponotus Queen

Post: # 26114Post Antsinohio
Fri Jul 21, 2017 10:04 pm

Private wrote:
Fri Jul 21, 2017 11:32 am
I caught six Camponotus Queens last month, but none of them lived longer than one and a half week at max. I put them into a standard test tube setup and keept them in the dark as I heard it, seeing as im a beginner, but they all tried to burrow out and died soon after. So my question is: Any Ideas what I did wrong?
She was not fertilized and used all of her energy trying to escape she was a full claustural queen so she would've had enough energy to raise her first brood till she had her first nanitic.


Re: My poor Camponotus Queen

Post: # 26142Post Private
Sat Jul 22, 2017 1:18 am

Sounds plausible Antsinohio, but it happend to all six of them, which seems pretty unlikely to me, but maybe my special kind of "luck" kicked in :mrgreen: . What I forgot to mention is that I live in a very lively, and sometimes pretty loud, family wiht basically no room thats really quiet, so I keept them in my room.

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Re: My poor Camponotus Queen

Post: # 29272Post Delphie
Wed Aug 16, 2017 8:28 pm

My queens were pretty frantic in the beginning and didn't settle until I gave each one a drop of honey. Then they mellowed out and began laying within a day or two. I'm wondering if they were poorly fed in the nest before their flight. It rained here pretty solidly from March until the middle of May. The Camponotus queens flew the first decent day. Since then there has been a drought. I would imagine that food has not been plentiful in this area this year. I have not seen any other species of ant nuptial flights since. The thatching ant colony near my house appears decimated. No alates this year and hardly any ants.

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