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Welcome to The AntsCanada Forum

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 9:26 am
by MadVampy
Ok so we've just opened the AntsCanada Forum to the public. With that being said it will take just a little time for the forums to pick up speed, so if your one of the first to become members please give it a little time.

Also I'm the Lead Admin on this forum, I'm helping Mikey Bustos to run this forum and with the combined help from him and you the users I'm hoping this will become a great place for Ant Lovers to come, learn and hang out!

If you ever need help with the forums or something related to the AntsCanada Store please feel free to post in the appropriate forum section your questions and we'll get back to ya as fast as we can! You can also send us a message.

Also as we grow we'll be looking for others to help moderate the forums. We'll be looking out for those that are active members of the forums, help others out, and seem to have what it takes to moderate. Previous experience with be a Moderator is preferred and also experience using phpBB forum software is a plus! And if you feel like you have what it takes to moderate you can send us a message.

Thanks for your time and please enjoy the AntsCanada Forums!