Nuptial flight Phoenix, Arizona. Last night, 13th of August.

Where and when are you finding queen ants? A section to share nuptial flight schedules by ant species and locality

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Nuptial flight Phoenix, Arizona. Last night, 13th of August.

Post: # 29010Post DesertRat
Mon Aug 14, 2017 11:01 am

After the storm the night before last, last night was a nuptial flight for at least six species. Just flipping rocks and such and keeping my eyes open while feeding the horses I've found ten queens of six different species. Some of which are quite small. Beware there was also a termite flight last night too. My front patio is covered in wings and I've seen several termite queens. Also, this being Arizona, beware scorpions and centipedes, they like the same kind of rocks to hide under. Happy hunting.

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Re: Nuptial flight Phoenix, Arizona. Last night, 13th of August.

Post: # 85790Post AntsLuxembourg
Fri Dec 10, 2021 7:51 am

Doing some proper research is the best way to start an antcolony.

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Currently not keeping any ants anymore.


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